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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Вечірка була жахлива. Мені було так нудно.
The party was terrible. I was so bored.
Вона дуже втомилася і рано лягла спати.
She was really tired and went to bed early.
Я не можу спати! Цей шум справді дратує!
I can't sleep! That noise is really annoying!
Він був здивований результатом свого тесту.
He was surprised by the result of his test.
Яку музику ви слухаєте, якщо відчуваєте депресію?
What music do you listen to if you feel depressed?
У Лондоні ніхто не хоче знати прогноз погоди. Це надто депресивно.
In London, no one wants to know the weather forecast. It’s too depressing.
Це була шокуюча новина.
It was shocking news.
Ці інструкції заплутані
These instructions are confusing.
Чому ти такий розчарований?
Why are you so disappointed?