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Go,get, reach, come
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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to blush or have a reddish complexion due to embarrassment or anger.
go red
to seek retaliation or retribution against someone for a past offense.
get even with
to be fired or dismissed from a job.
get the sack
to become disoriented or not know where you are.
get lost
to annoy or irritate someone.
get on nerves
to stop bothering or criticizing someone.
get off his back
to recover from an illness or injury and feel healthier.
get better
to be useful or helpful in a particular situation.
come in handy
to focus on important tasks or discussions without delay.
get down to business
when the sky changes color as the sun sets, signaling nighttime.
get dark
to prepare yourself or something for a specific task or event.
get ready
to come to a mutual understanding or settlement with others.
reach an agreement
to secure employment or be hired for a position.
get the job
to rest by closing your eyes and being unconscious for a period of time.
go to sleep
to behave excessively or extravagantly beyond what is necessary.
go over the top
to retaliate against someone who has wronged you.
get revenge
to be punished or face consequences for doing something wrong.
get in trouble
to remove or eliminate something that is unwanted or unnecessary.
get rid of
to make up your mind about something after thinking carefully.
reach a decision
to accept and deal with a difficult situation or reality.
come to terms with