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A2 Unit 6 Gold experience grammar page 86

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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HAVE TO: I _________ walk to school because my mom drove me.
didn't have to
HAVE TO: My mom _____ wear a uniform when she was at school.
had to
HAVE TO: You _____ wear a swimming cap in the sea.
don't have to
HAVE TO: ___ you _______ do your homework now?
Do you have to
HAVE TO: He ______ go to football training twice a week.
has to
HAVE TO: We _______ wear a uniform to school.
have to
eally my dad well can basketball play
My dad can play basketball really well.
‘hello’ in eight different languages can say I
I can say 'hwllo' in eight different languages.
Amelia and Eve / swim? A: ? B: Yes, .
Can Amelia and Eve swim? Yes, they can.
your sister / ski? A: ? B: Yes,
Can you sister ski? Yes, she can.
you / do / gymnastics? A: ? B: No, .
Can you do gymnastics? No, I can't.
Mark / play / volleyball? A: ? B: Yes, .
Can Mark play volleyball? Yes, he can.
can or can't: Lily ... (run) very fast. She won a competition last month
can run
can or can't: I .... (skateboard). I tried it once, but I fell off
can't skateboard
can or can't Mark and Karen... (surf). They take their boards to the beach every weekend.
can surf
can or can't: Ruby .... (swim). She’s afraid of water
can't swim