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Movement happens at a ______ where 2 or more _____ meet.
Joint, Bones
Joint actions are described in relation to the _____.
Anatomical position
When you straighten your leg, what movement of the hip joint occurs?
When you bend your arm, bringing your hand closer to your shoulder, what movement of the elbow joint is this?
What movement occurs when you make circular motions with your hand?
When you rotate your thigh inward, what movement of the hip joint occurs?
Medial rotation
When you lift your shoulders up toward your ears, what movement of the shoulder girdle are you performing?
When you bend your wrist, bringing your hand closer to your forearm, what movement of the wrist joint is this?
If you lift your arm away from your body to the side, what movement is this?
When you straighten your leg, what movement of the knee joint occurs?
Opposite to flexion, what movement straightens the arm?
When you move your arms away from the midline of your body, what movement of the shoulder girdle is this?
When you turn your palm downward, what movement of the forearm is this?
What movement occurs when you bend your knee, bringing your heel towards your glutes?
When you arch your back, leaning backward, what movement of the spine are you performing?
When you bring your arm closer to your body from an outstretched position, what movement of the shoulder joint are you performing?
When you tilt your foot towards the midline of your body, what movement of the ankle joint is this?
If you rotate your thigh outward, what movement of the hip joint is this?
Lateral rotation
Opposite to adduction, what movement involves tilting the hand towards the thumb side of the forearm?
What movement occurs when you raise your arm forward, as if pointing to something above you?
If you tilt your foot away from the midline of your body, what movement of the ankle joint occurs?
Opposite to plantar flexion, what movement occurs when you lift your toes towards your shin?
If you move your leg towards the midline of your body, what movement of the hip joint is this?
If you draw your shoulder blades together, what type of movement is this?
What term describes the twisting motion of the spine?
What is the movement called when you bend your spine forward, bringing your chest closer to your thighs?
If you tilt your spine to the left or right side, what type of movement is this?
Lateral flexion
What movement occurs when you rotate your arm inward, bringing your palm closer to your body?
Medial rotation
If you rotate your palm upward, what movement of the forearm occurs?
If you move your arm in a circular motion, what term describes this movement?
If you move your hand away from your forearm, what movement is this?
When you tilt your hand towards the pinky side of your forearm, what movement of the wrist joint occurs?
If you stand on your tiptoes, what movement of the ankle joint is this?
Plantar flexion
Opposite to adduction, what movement involves moving the leg away from the midline of the body?
If you bring your knee towards your chest, what movement of the hip joint is this?
If you move your arm backward, away from your body, what movement is this?
Opposite to elevation, what movement occurs when you lower your shoulders away from your ears?