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Unit 8&9_Level 2_2nd partial

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mention one health problem with 2 symptoms
______ eggs do you eat every morning? a) How much b) How many
How many
_______ sugar would you like in your tea ? a) How much b) How many
How much
_______ time do you have to play ? a) How much b) How many
How much
_________ girls are there in your group ? a) How much b) How many
How many
________ coffee do you drink every day? a) How much b) How many
How much
You can find cold drinks like sodas in a ______. It is made of metal.
We keep milk or juice in a ______ . It is made of cardboard.
We keep jam in a __________
We keep liquids, such as water or wine, in a
This bottle doesn't have __ water. a) some b) any
There's __ milk in the fridge. a) some b) any
My mum bought _____ fruit. a) some b) any
They don't have ____ children. a) some b) any
I don’t have ______ vegetables a) some b) any
Could I have ______coffee please? a) some b) any
What type of food are these?
What is this?
meat /steak
What is this?
orange juice
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
OBJECT PRONONUN-> Where is Jimmy? We are waiting for_____
OBJECT PRONONUN-> How much is that dress I like ____ very much.
OBJECT PRONONUN-> I like your shoes. Where did you get______?
OBJECT PRONONUN->Where do you live? We want to visit______
OBJECT PRONONUN-> We are going for a walk. Come with_____
OBJECT PRONONUN-> Can you see ELSA?-> Can you see_____?
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
They love cooking
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
He likes drawing
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
Lucas hates running
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
I love reading books
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
My friends like doing yoga
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
The teacher doesnpt like playing tennis
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
Sam and I hate doing puzzles
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
The kids don´t like watching TV
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
He doesn't like shopping
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
She loves swimming
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
You like playing chess
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
I love playing soccer
Say the sentence using LOVE/LIKE/ HATE
We love singing
My parents _______(love / travel) arond the world
My parents love traveling arond the world
Jessica ________(not like ) spaguetti
Jessica doesn't like spaguetti
I ________(not like / play) basketball
I don´t like playing basketball
Which is more formal: Can or Could?
What is this?
What are these?
pants/ trousers
What are these?
What is this?
What is this?
He _________ rest in bed, he is sick a) Should b) Shouldn't
Headache in spanish is:
Migraña/ Dolor de cabeza
Mention 3 health problems with ACHE
tootache /stomaache / headache/ earache
Maria is pregnant and she has_____________ a) nausea b) cough c)flu
Ken went to see his dentist about his _____. a) bruise b) tootache c)fever
b) tootache
Mention one advice with SHOULD about FLU
My back was really hurting, so I took some _____. a) antibiotics b)laxatives c) painkillers
c) painkillers
Mention an advice with SHOULD for the STOMACH ACHE
You have a great job; you (change) it.   a) should    b) shouldn't
You _____ (drink) so much coffee; it's bad for your blood pressure.      a) should    b) shouldn't
The government______ (help) people in need. a) should    b) shouldn't
It's an incredible film. You ____ (watch) it. a) should b) shouldn't