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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Justice means
to treat things fairly, according to the law
a type of ice cream
a type of tea
things are just right
"Environmental" is
about the quality of the air, water, and land
a type of virus
a type of virus
a type of spice
"Exactly" means
Very true- the student got it exactly right
A type of tax
A type of ax
A type of tree
"Fertilizer" is
Something we put on plants to help them grow- compost
someone who tells lies
a type of race car
a type of plant
A tenant is
Someone who pays rent
A very large ant
Your father's tenth sister
Someone who collects rent
"Renewable" means
Something that can be used again
Something that has no clothes on
A type of frog
Something that is thrown away
"to recycle" means
To make something new again, to reuse
To ride a bicycle again
A type of ice cream
To rerun a washing machine
"to reduce" means
To use less of , to become smaller
A type of dice game
To use something again
To create something
"Compost" is
Scraps of food that can be turned into fertilizer
A type of post office
A type of mailbox
A type of letter
"to litter" means
To throw trash on the ground
To mail something at the post office
To get something in the mailbox
To write to someone
"Wonderful" means
Full of water
A really bad thing
When water falls off a cliff
A "big break" is
The chance to do something great
When a tree limb falls on your head
When you fail at something
When you break your little finger