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Endocrine Glands

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These glands are called ............................., In women its called ....................... and in men its called .............................
Gonads, ovaries , testes
It lies between the stomach and the liver, it secrets digestive enzymes and hormones? What is the name of the hormone and its function?
Pancreas (Insulin: it controls the blood glucose level)
It is a gland above the kidney, it secrets hormones that controls "fight and flight". What are the effects of this hormone in the body?
Adrenal gland (It increases breathing rate, blood pressure and alertness)
Which gland is found in the chest and its hormones that allow WBCs to mature and fight infections.
This gland is wraps around the windpipe on three sides? What processes does it regulate?
Thyroid: Metabolism, growth and development.
This gland produces hormones that stimulates the thyroid, adrenal glands and gonads. It also acts as a gate way where hypothalamus hormones must pass by before entering the bloodstream.
Pituitary Gland
This gland It makes hormones that control cell growth and osmoregulatory hormones.
Pituitary gland
It is in the middle of the brain. It makes hormones that stimulate other glands like pituitary to release hormones. It generally controls growth, reproduction and body temperature.