Edit Game
Units 8&9 _Level 4_2nd Partial

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1st CONDITIONAL-> If you_____ (get) back late, I ____ (be) angry.
If you get back late, I will be angry.
1st CONDITIONAL-> If I ____ (go) out tonight, I ____ (go) to the cinema.
If I go out tonight, I will go to the cinema.
1st CONDITIONAL-> If l ___ (study) hard ,l ___ (pass) the exam
If I study hard, I will pass the exam
REPORTED SPEECH-> Roman said "He is so annoying!"
Roman said that he was so annoying
Sally said that she loved me
REPORTED SPEECH-> James said "I will be there"
James said that he would be there
REPORTED SPEECH-> The watchmaker asked:” Did you buy this Swiss watch at my place”?
The watchmaker asked if he/she had bought that Swiss watch at his place
REPORTED SPEECH-> Your cousin said: "Your mom is waiting for you." My cousin said (that) my
My cousin said (that) my mom was waiting for me.
REPORTED SPEECH-> Your mom said: "We're going to eat pizza tonight."
My mom said (that) we were going to eat pizza that night.
REPORTED SPEECH-> Your best friend said: "I'm happy today."
My best friend said (that) he/she was happy that day.
REPORTED SPEECH->Tiana said: "I will wake up early tomorrow."
Tiana said (that) she would wake up early the next day.
REPORTED SPEECH-> Mickey said: "I love Minnie."
Mickey said (that) he loves / loved Minnie.
REPORTED SPEECH-> Maria asked you: "Can I borrow an eraser?"
Maria asked me if she could borrow an eraser. / Maria asked me to borrow an eraser.
As marketing manager, I'm responsible __ all our publicity campaigns. a) on b)with c)for d)about
Are you agree_____ the idea of Jhon? a) on b)with c)in d)about
Did you forget ________ the party? a) on b)at c)in d)about
My cousin is a great linguist - he is fluent __ five languages. a) on b)at c)in d)about
The movie, which is set in Sweden, is based ___ a best-selling novel. a) on b)at c)of d)about
We weren't aware ___ the problem with our ticket until we got to the airport.     a) with b)at     c)of     d)about
PAST PERFECT AND PAST SIMPLE-> Our room____(be) a mess because we_____(not clean) it for over a month.
was / hadn't cleaned
PAST PERFECT AND PAST SIMPLE-> The garden____ (be) dead because it_____ (be) dry all summer.
was / had been
PAST PERFECT AND PAST SIMPLE-> When they ________ (get) to the station, the train ________. (already leave)
got / had already left
PAST PERFECT AND PAST SIMPLE-> The lights____(go) off because we____ (not/pay) the electricity bill.
went / hadn't paid
PAST PERFECT-> I _______________ London 4 times. (visit)
I have visited London 4 times.
PAST PERFECT-> _______________ your exam to the teacher? (you / give)
Have you given your exam to the teacher?
PAST PERFECT-> My mum _______________ a cake for the party tonight. (make)
My mum has made a cake for the party tonight.
What is her occupation/job?
What is her occupation/job?
What is his occupation/job?
The money is in the kitchen____ belongs to John. a)who b)which c)that
which / that
She loves books_____ have happy endings.                               a)who b)which c)that
which / that
She worked for a man____ used to be an athlete.                            a)who b)which c)that
who / that
Spell this compound word:
Spell this compound word:
Spell this compound word:
Spell this compound word:
air pollution
Spell this compound word:
2ND CONDITIONAL-> You'd have more time for schoolwork if you ___(not spend)so lond playing computer games.
didn't spend
2ND CONDITIONAL->lf l __(be) 20 , l ___(travel) the world.
were /would travel
2ND CONDITIONAL-> l think we are lost.lf this __(be) the right path,we___(be)there by now.
was/would be
2ND CONDITIONAL-> lf the weather ___(not be) good,we___(watch) movies in the Great Hall.
wasn't/would watch
2ND CONDITIONAL->We ___ (can) go on long bike rides if the weather ___(be) good.
2ND CONDITIONAL-> lf you ___(visit) me,you ___(sleep) in a huge bedroom.
visited/would sleep
2ND CONDITIONAL-> If l ___ (live) in a mansion ,l ___ (have) parties every week.
lived / would have