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Comparative Clash

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Strawberries are _______ kiwis. (sweet)
sweeter than
Mars is _______ than Earth. (cold)
colder than
Ted is _______ than his father. (handsome)
more handsome than
Mike is _______ Isaac. (funny)
funnier than
Tom is _______ than his boss about the situation. (angry)
angrier than
The book is _______ than the movie. (exciting)
more exciting
Weather in summer is _______ than in winter. (hot)
hotter than
The situation is _______ I thought. (bad)
worse than
Your mobile phone looks _______ mine. (expensive)
more expensive than
Melisa is _______ her cousin. (young)
younger than
Britain is _______ Argentina. (small)
smaller than
This exercise is ______ the previous one. (difficult)
more difficult than
Walking is ______ than cycling. (slow)
slower than
We're not ______ than in the past. (happy)
happier than
I love science, I find it ______ than history. (interesting)
more interesting than
My sister has been trying to eat less because she wants to be ________ me. (thin)
thinner than
It rains a lot in the spring. April is _______ than July. (wet)
wetter than
Come in the summer. The weather is _______ in the spring. (good)
better than
This restaurant is _______ when it first opened. (busy)
busier than
The market is _______ the supermarket for vegetables. (cheap)
cheaper than
The exam results are __________ they were last year. (bad)
worse than
Your photos of our holiday are _________ mine. (good)
better than
I think my diet is _______ my borther's; I eat lots of fruit. (healthy)
healthier than