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Describing People - Adjectives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They go out of their way to check on a friend who’s been ill, bringing them food and offering to help with household chores. They are really...
They have a way of making everyone feel at ease in their presence, perhaps by engaging in warm conversation and showing genuine interest in others at a social event. They are so...
They ensure all team members have an equal say in a group decision, or when a teacher gives equal attention to all students. They are quite...
They donate a significant portion of their earnings to charity or regularly volunteer at a homeless shelter. They are extremely...
They return a lost wallet full of cash to its owner or when they admit to a mistake at work and take steps to correct it. They are incredibly...
They calmly teach a new skill to a beginner, taking the time to explain things multiple times without showing frustration. They are very...
They consistently meet deadlines, manage their finances well, or take care of their family well. They are pretty...
They consistently meet deadlines and follow through on commitments, both in personal and professional contexts. They are consistently...
They approach problems with common sense and focus on efficient, realistic solutions. They are...
someone who is often the life of the party, engaging with everyone and making new friends easily. They are so...
A person who remains calm and composed, even under pressure or in stressful situations. They are very...
They consistently show up on time for meetings, appointments, or social gatherings. They are always...
They volunteer to take on extra tasks to assist a coworker who is overwhelmed with their workload. They are wonderfully...
They encourage their peers to stay positive and keep working towards their goals, even when the team faces setbacks. They are...
They are the last to leave the office, ensuring every detail of their project is complete and up to standard. They are so...
They are able to brainstorm innovative solutions during a team problem-solving session. They are...
They are striving to climb the career ladder rapidly, taking on challenging projects that could lead to promotions. They are extremely...