Edit Game
Unit 8 Grade 2 Math

Use commas to add multiple tags

 Private  Unlisted  Public

Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the area of this shape using your whiteboard?
It is ____whiteboards.
What is the area of this desk?
It is 7 squares.
What does area mean?
It is measuring INSIDE a shape.
What does perimeter mean?
It is measuring AROUND a shape.
What is the perimeter of this shape?
The perimeter is 23cm
What is the perimeter?
The perimeter is 18 cm.
The blue pencil is longer than ________.
The blue pencil is longer than the red and green pencil.
The pink pencil is the __________.
The pink pencil is the longest.
The red pencil is _______than the green pencil.
The red pencil is longer than the green pencil.
How much shorter is the red pencil than the blue pencil?
The red pencil is 9cm shorter than the blue pencil.
How long is the blue pencil?
The blue pencil is 5 paperclips long.
How much longer is the pencil than the pepper?
The pencil is 6 cm longer than the pepper.
How long is the pencil?
The pencil is 18cm long.
Which crayon is the shortest?
The blue crayon is the shortest.