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Unusual Sports Around the World

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Guess the sport
Guess the sport: It's a 200 years old sport. You bring a dairy product and run with other competitors down a hill.
Cheese Rolling
Guess the sport: It's a mix of volleyball and football. Only 3 players in a team and you win by kicking the ball to your opponent's side..
Sepak takraw
Guess the sport: They measure your spouse's weight and give you an equal amount of beer when you win.
Wife carrying
Guess the sport: You spin, flip and slide a barstool
Sport hocking
Guess the sport: You sit on a garden equipment to slide down an icy hill
Shovel Racing
Guess the sport: You roll down the hill in a transparent ball
Guess the sport: You score by hitting a puck through a goal underwater
Underwater hockey
Guess the sport: You use your toes to beat your opponent
Toe wrestling
Guess the sport: You race each other while riding on a giant bird
Ostrich Race
Guess the sport: People ironing in unusual places. Such as while flying or at the top of a mountain.
Extreme ironing
Guess the sport
cycle ball
Guess the sport
chess boxing
Guess the sport
Caber toss
Guess the sport
Guess the sport
Bed racing
Guess the sport
Dog surfing
Guess the sport
Unicycle Polo
Guess the sport
360 ball
Guess the sport
Bossa ball