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A neon green lake in Waiotapu, New Zealand is appropriately known as Devil's Bath, since its color comes from deposits of what stanky element?
The Maori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa. What does this mean? We'll accept responses that are reasonably close to the correct answer.
The Land of the Long White Cloud
What type of long gun gives its name to a series of battles and raids fought across New Zealand among Maori between 1807 and 1837 after Maori first obtained this firearm?
It's a bit unsurprising that Temuera played Boba Fett in the second season of The Mandalorian given that the New Zealander played what previous Star Wars character in the film's prequel trilogy?
Jango Fett
New Zealander Taika Waititi has only directed one film which he did not write. It was a Marvel Cinematic Universe film. What's the film?
Thor Ragnarok
Kimbra already had a top five album in New Zealand when she teamed up with Gotye for what 2012 multi-national chart-topping single?
Somebody That I Used To Know
Based on the daily mean temperature, what is the hottest month in New Zealand? We're basing this off of the official data from Auckland Airport from 1981 to 2010.
Under what single name is New Zealander Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor more popularly known?
Opened in 1942 to mark the 300th anniversary of its namesake's visit to the country, what is New Zealand's smallest National Park?
Abel Tasman National Park
Due to the work being done by Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, a Japanese company, the attachments added to which New Zealand landmark in the late 1960s became known as "Nippon clip-ons"?
Auckland Harbour Bridge
In 1998, the name of Mount Cook (highest point in New Zealand) was renamed to include what Maori word?
Celebrated every February 6, what is the name of the national day of New Zealand, which celebrates a collection of Maori chiefs and representatives of the British Crown signing a treaty of the same name?
Waitangi Day
On its east, the New Zealand city of Auckland touches the Pacific Ocean. What is the body of water that borders Auckland to its west?
Tasman Sea
New Zealand’s Waikato River cascades down what “H” waterfall, just north of Taupo?
Huka Falls
New Zealand is known for its Kiwifruit, which is one of the nation's major agricultural exports today. Which Asian nation are these gooseberries actually native to?
The brand Pascall owns a trademark on the name of what chocolate candy with a soft pineapple-flavored center, popular among New Zealanders?
Pineapple Lumps
Also known by a Maori name meaning “glowing skies”, by what name is the third largest island of New Zealand known?
Stewart Island
Gaining popularity sine the 1980s, what is the name of the Polynesian sport that is practiced by racing canoes and other small watercraft? The seven letter name comes from the Maori phrase for an outrigger canoe.
Waka ama
What city, the largest on New Zealand's South Island, is named for a college of England's famous University of Oxford?
What “R” New Zealand city is home to the NBA’s Steven Adams, the New Zealand Maori Arts and Crafts Institute, and geothermal activity?