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Comparatives and superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your mum is _______ person. (talented)
the most talented
The film is ______ Marvel film. (interesting)
the most interesting
Who is your _____ friend? (good)
The Nile River is _______ river in the world. (long)
the longest
Lucas is _______ than Philip. (crazy)
The pink bag is ______ than the red one. (cheap)
Watching a film is ______ than reading a book. (exciting)
more exciting
I think golf is ______ sport. (boring)
the most boring
He is _______ student in the class. (smart)
the smartest
Ants are _______ than crickets. (pretty)
... is ______ person in our class. (young)
... the youngest
My sister is ________ than me. (young)
Asia is _______ continent on Earth. (large)
the largest
Mount Everest is __________ mountain in the world.
the highest
Milešovka is ___________ place in the Czech Republic. (windy)
the windiest
I think Maths is ______ than Chemistry. (easy)
A cheetah is _______ animal in the world. (fast)
the fastest
An elephant is ________ than a zebra. (fat)
I think a butterfly is _________ insect in the world. (beautiful)
the most beautiful
The University of Bologna is _________ in the world. (old)
the oldest
Prague is ______ city in the Czech Republic (crowded)
the most crowded
Three-toed Sloth is ________ animal in the world. (slow)
the slowest
Burj Khalifa is _________ building in the world. (tall)
the tallest
This laptop is _____________ than that TV. (expensive)
more expensive