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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We ______ _________ now. (swim) (-, ?) No, ...
We are swimming now. We aren't swimming now. Are we swimming now? No, we aren't.
My sister _____ __________  at the moment. (cook) (-,?) Yes,...
My sister is cooking  at the miment. She isn't cooking at the moment. Is she cooking at the moment? Yes, she is.
I ______ _________ now. (play football) (-,?) No,...
I am playing football now. I'm not playing football now. Are you playing football now? No, I am not.
You (___) laughing now.
They (____) playing football at the moment.
You and I (____) learning English now.
My father (_____) working now.
She (____) cooking sausages at the moment.
I (____) swimming in the lake now.
My brother is playing computer games at the moment.(-)
My brother isn't playing computer games at the moment.
I am listening to music now. (-)
I'm not listening to music now.
John and Tom are drinking tea now. (-)
John and Tom aren't drinking tea now.
We are fishing now. (-)
We aren't fishing now.
I am eating chocolate at the moment. (-)
I am not eating chocolate at the moment.
My friends are sleeping now. (-)
My friends aren't sleeping now.
My mum is cooking now. (-, ?) No, ...
My mum isn't cooking now. Is she cooking now? No, she isn't.
He is swimming in the lake. (-, ?) Yes, ...
He isn't swimming is the lake. Is he swimming in the lake? Yes, he is.