Edit Game
Always / Sometimes / Never

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Look at the picture and make a sentence. (VV)
I always talk on the phone.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (X)
I never play the guitar.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (V)
I sometimes listen to the radio.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (VV)
I always wash up.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (X)
I never feed the dog.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (V)
I sometimes take the dog for a walk.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (X)
I never sweep.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (✓✓ before school)
I always eat before school.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (✓✓)
I always play football.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (✓)
I sometimes play tennis.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (X)
I never dry the dishes.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (✓✓)
I always go the shopping.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (✓)
I sometimes ride a horse.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (X)
I never ride a bike.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (✓✓)
I always do my homework.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (✓✓)
I always play basketball.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (✓)
I sometimes tidy up.
Look at the picture and make a sentence. (X)
I never cook.