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Geography to Abrahamic Religions

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does polytheism mean?
Belief in more than one god
Why was Mt Sinai important to the Abrahamic Religions?
It is where Moses received the 10 commandments
What is the Jewish holy book called?
The Torah
Who is the leader of Islam?
What are the 3 Abrahamic Religions?
Christianity, Islam, Judaism
What was the economy in Ancient Egypt based on?
Name two pharaohs from Ancient Eygpt
King Tut, Hatshepsut, Narmer, Menes, Rames XI, Akhenaten, Nefertiti
What was the process of perserving dead bodies in Egypt called?
What is Egypt picture writing called?
Name two physical features in/around Egypt
Nile River, Sahara Desert, Nile Delta
What were the laws called in Mesopotamia?
Hammurabi's Code
Name two major turning point in our history?
Changes to Body and Brain, Fire, Tools, Oral Language, Art, Migration, Metallurgy, Domestication, Agriculture Revolution, Permanent Settlements, Specialized Jo
Where was Mesopotamia located?
Between the Tigris and Euphrates River (Fertile Crescent)
What inventions affected early humans the most? It allowed them to migrate out of Africa
The wheel
What is the later part of the stone age called?
Neolithic Era
What is the earliest part of the stone age called?
Paleolithic Era
What is the Stone Age?
The earliest known period of human history where stone tools were created
What are the four parts of a map?
Map Title, Map Key, Compass Rose, Bar Scale
How many oceans are there?
How many continents are there?