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Probability of Simple Events

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In a school with 100 students, there are 40 Christian students, 30 Muslim students, and 30 Hindus students. The school will be randomly select student to represent the school. What is the probability that a Muslim student will be chosen?
P(Muslim)= 30/100 = 3/10
At a company, there are 20 employees in the marketing department. Out of these, 12 are women and 8 are men. If one employee is randomly selected to become the manager, what is the probability that the selected employee is a woman?
P(Women) = 12/20 = 3/5
A cultural event is being organized where representatives from each 7 tribes will perform traditional dances. There are 21 dancers in total, three from each tribe. What is the probability of randomly choosing Talaandig?
P(Talaandig)= 3/21​ = 1/7
In a diversified high school of 780 students, 52 students speak English, 22 students speak Spanish, 40 speak Mandarin and the rest speak different languages. What is the percentage of randomly selecting a student once who speaks Mandarin?
P(Mandarin)=4/78 or 5.13%
In a survey of 150 individuals in a multicultural community, 60 identify as Christians, 40 identify as Muslims, and the rest have various other religious affiliations. What is the probability of randomly selecting a Christian?
P(Christian)= 2/5=40%
Out of all students in a high school in Philippines, there are 126 Filipinos, 13 Chinese, 5 Indians, and 26 Americans. If you randomly pick one student, what is the probability of choosing the American students?
P(American)= 13/85
In the words GLOBAL AND MULTI-CULTURAL LITERACY, what is the probability that the letter chosen is a consonant if one letter is chosen at random?
P(Consonant) = 19/30
A shop sells 5 Bukidnon Tribal costume, 4 Philippine National costume and 3 Ilocano costume. What is the probability of buying a Bukidnon Tribal costume once?