Edit Game
Open world B1 Preliminary Unit 7 Vocabulary

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If something is good value, it is of good quality or you think the amount of money you spent on it was right.
Good value (The meal was very good value.)
Not tidy
Untidy (An untidy room)
A building or part of a building where you can buy things
Store (a clothes/music store)
A price which is lower than usual
Special offer (There's a special offer on sunglasses this week.)
A person who is shopping
Shopper (A commercial centre thronged with shoppers)
Something that is made or grown to be sold
Product (They do a range of skin-care products.)
An agreement between two people or groups
Arrangement (We had an arrangement that he would clean the house and I would cook.)
A building or part of a building where you can buy things
Shop (A clothes/music shop)
When something is reduced
Reduction (A reduction in traffic)
Untidy or dirty
Messy (A messy kitchen)
Items which are made to be sold
Goods (There is a 25% discount on all electrical goods until the end of the week.)
A collection of objects or pictures arranged for people to look at
Display (A display of children's paintings)
A person who buys goods or a service
Customer (A satisfied customer)
Something that is on sale for less than its usual price or its real value
Bargain (This coat was half-price - a real bargain.)
To give, send, or put something back where it came from
Return (I have to return the book by Friday.)
An amount of money that is given back to you, especially because you are not happy with something you have bought
Refund (The holiday company apologized and gave us a full refund.)
A piece of paper that proves that you have received goods or money
Receipt (Could I have a receipt?)
To ask for food, goods, etc.
Order (I ordered some pasta and a mixed salad.)
To take something back to the shop where you bought it and change it for something else
Exchange (Goods can only be exchanged on production of the original receipt.)
To take things such as goods, letters and parcels to people's houses or places of work
Deliver (Mail is delivered to our office twice a day.)
Harmed or spoilt
Damaged (They're selling off damaged goods at reduced prices.)
To say that something is wrong or that you are annoyed about something
Complain (Lots of people have complained about the noise.)
A small, round object used to fasten something, for example a shirt or coat
Button (I did up/undid the buttons on my blouse.)
Simple and not complicated
Plain (A plain style of architecture)
Large and not fitting tightly
Loose (Wear comfortable, loose clothing to your exercise class.)
Fitting your body very closely
Tight (A tight shirt)
Marked with or having stripes
Striped (A green-striped coat)
Having a pattern of small squares
Checked (a checked shirt)
The part of a jacket, shirt, etc. that covers your arm
Sleeve (Short/long sleeves)
A design of lines, shapes, colours, etc.
Pattern (The carpet was very old and had an unusual pattern.)
A period during which a shop or dealer sells goods at reduced prices
Sale (The January sales got under way this week)
Have enough money to pay for
Afford (The best that I could afford was a first-floor room)
To be the right size or shape for someone or something
Fit (That jacket fits you perfectly.)
Put on an item of clothing to see if it fits or suits one
Try on (I tried on a couple of dresses but they were too expensive)
To make someone look more attractive
Suit me (I should wear more red - it suits me.)