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Open world B1 Preliminary Unit 5 Vocabulary

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Well enough after an illness or injury to walk about
On my feet (We'll have you back on your feet in no time)
Improving or recovering in health or condition
On the mend (The economy is on the mend)
There is a virus or flu in that area and people are getting sick from it
A bug going round (Everyone seems to be getting ill! I think there is a bug going round.)
To telephone the place where you work and report that you are sick and unable to work
Call in sick (Three people called in sick this morning.)
To feel ill
Under the weather (I'm feeling a bit under the weather - I think I'm getting a cold.)
To cause physical or emotional pain
Killing me (I need to sit down, my feet are killing me!)
Begin to suffer from a specified illness
Coming down with (I came down with influenza.)
A very bad pain in your head splitting
Headache (I've got a splitting headache.)
Causing physical pain
Painful (A painful injury forced her to withdraw from the game.)
Painful, especially when touched
Sore (I've got a sore throat.)
An unpleasant physical feeling caused by an injury or illness
Pain (Chest/stomach pains)
A common illness which makes you sneeze and makes your nose produce liquid
Cold (I've got a cold.)
To hurt a person, animal or part of your body
Injure (The player got injured.)
When you cough or an illness that makes you cough
Cough (A dry cough)
To cause pain
Hurt (Simon hurt his knee playing football.)
Pain in your back
Backache (I had terrible backache last week.)
The part of the body between the hand and the arm
Wrist (I sprained my wrist playing squash.)
The large soft piece of flesh in the mouth which you can move and which you use for tasting, speaking, etc.
Tongue (I burnt my tongue on some soup last night.)
The outer layer of a person or animal's body
Skin (Dark/fair skin)
One of the two parts of your body where your arms join your neck
Shoulder (I rested my head on her shoulder.)
One of many pieces of tissue in the body that are connected to bones and which produce movement by becoming longer or shorter
Muscle (Neck/back/leg/stomach muscles)
One of the two organs inside your chest that are used for breathing
Lung (Lung cancer)
The middle part of your leg where it bends
Knee (A knee injury)
The part in the middle of your arm where it bends
Elbow (Her arm was bandaged from the elbow to the fingers.)
One of the hard pieces that make the structure inside a human or animal
Bone (Human/animal bones)
The joint between the foot and the leg, or the thin part of the leg just above the foot
Ankle (I fell over and sprained/twisted my ankle.)