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Barkus - Book Review
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Why do you think Nikki was not afraid of the dark at the end of the book?
She felt loved being with Barkus and Baby.
What bedtime story did Nikki tell Barkus and Baby at the end of the book?
The story of when Barkus found Baby
Who camped in the backyard with Nikki?
Barkus and Baby
Where did Nikki sleep in the last chapter?
in a tent in her backyard
What did Barkus want to name the kitten?
Why did the woman let NIkki keep the kitten even though it belonged to her? (She didn't like kittens. OR She had 4 more kittens at home to find homes for.)
She had 4 more kittens at home to find homes for.
Barkus found a baby ____. (dog or mouse or kitten)
Barkus wanted a "noisy" party for his birthday. He got his wish when something happened. What was it?
His dog friends came over and were barking.
On Barkus's birthday, Uncle Overton sent him a ___. (bone or dog bed or collar)
Barkus snuck out of school and followed NIkki to ____. (the bakery or school or the playground)
Tell 1 thing Barkus did in the story that shows us that he's SMART.
He does tricks; cares for the kitten; follows directions
Who gave Barkus to Nikki as a gift? (Mom or Dad or Uncle Overton)
Uncle Overton