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A1 | Mid-term Grammar Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Samantha is not as friendly ____ Ben.
Samantha is not as friendly as Ben.
Jack is the cleverest student ____ the class.
Jack is the cleverest student in the class.
Did you _______ (go shopping) last Monday?
Did you go shopping last Monday?
Yan ____ (often) visit his grandmother because he lives in another city.
Yan doesn't often visit his grandmother because he lives in another city.
_____there many students in the class two days ago?
Were there many students in the class two days ago?
There _______ anyone when I came first to the class.
There wasn't anyone when I came first to the class.
My brother ______read because he is only 2 years old.
My brother can't read because he is only 2 years old.
Mike_________ learn irregular verbs because he will take an exam on Monday.
Mike has to learn irregular verbs because he will take an exam on Monday.
______ Jolie have to do this task?
Does Jolie have to do this task?
Have you got ______money in the bank?
Have you got much/any money in the bank?
Are there ____ oranges in the fridge?
Are there many oranges in the fridge?
Can you give me _______advice, please?
Can you give me some/a piece of advice, please?
Can I have _______ water, please?
Can I have some water, please?
There aren’t _____flowers in the garden.
There aren’t any flowers in the garden.
These books are (expensive) than those that we have in our shop.
These books are more expensive than those that we have in our shop.
I (oversleep / never).
I never oversleep.
Sam (usually / not / stay in) at weekends.
Sam doesn't usually stay in at weekends.
Jack _____ (usually / not / be) late.
Jack isn't usually late.