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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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isn't / the dog / its food / eat / going to
The dog isn't going to eat its food.
the teacher / write an email ?
Is the teacher going to write an email?
I / not have / a holiday this summer
I'm not going to have a holiday this summer.
Liz / cook / pasta
Liz / cook / pasta
at university / am / I / study / going to / next year
I am going to study at university next year.
she / work in a hospital ?
Is she going to work in a hospital?
the children / play at the playground ?
Are the children going to play at the playground?
my father / not work / next Friday
My father isn't going to work next Friday.
his girlfriend / to / have a picnic / Phillips / and / this weekend / going / are
Phillips and his girlfriend are going to have a picnic this weekend
Singapore / to / my / to / going / month / with / go / family / am / I / next
I am going to go to Singapore with my family next month
learn Japanese / is / going / Jack / Lily / with / to
Jack is going to learn Japanese with Lily
is / me / go / She / with / going / swimming / week / to / next
She is going to go swimming with me next week
Jimmy and Jenny / are / have / Monday / a / Math / going / class / on / to
Jimmy and Jenny are going to have a Math class on Monday
is / with / to / clean the classroom / Who /  me / ? / going
Who is going to clean the classroom with me ?
to / going / ? / sleep / Where / are / Tom and Tim
Where are Tom and Tim going to sleep ?
party / going / wear / ? / to / are / you / the / What / for
What are you going to wear for the party ?
are / going / make / they / What / ? / to
What are they going to make ?
going / How / is / ? / to / go to work / Anna
How is Anna going to go to work ?
going / When / visit / are / to / ? / you / they
When are they going to visit you ?
the / tomorrow / Who / ? / cook / to / is / dinner / going
Who is going to cook the dinner tomorrow ?
to / ? / do / What / you / going / tonight / are
What are you going to do tonight ?
are / to / ? / football / Where / going / they / play
Where are they going to play football ?
am / I / going / to / a / take / shower
I am going to take a shower
going / is / she / do? / What / to
What is she going to do?
play / to / Hana / with / going / is / Kelly / badminton
Hana is going to play badminton with Kelly
go / He / to / the / to / park / is / going
He is going to go to the park.