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Easter Riddles

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm a round lemon cake traditionally served at Easter time.
Easter cake (Easter babka)
I'm one of the days on which people traditionally pour water on one another.
Easter Monday (Wet Monday)
I was placed on the head of Jesus during the events leading up to his crucifixion.
Crown of thorns
I'm a traditional Polish symbolic decoration people take to church on 'Palm' Sunday.
Easter palm
I'm a game in which children look for hidden Easter eggs.
Easter egg hunt
I'm rectangular or square. I'm made of paper. People send me to their families and friends to wish them Happy Easter.
Easter card
I'm the most important meal on Easter Sunday morning.
Easter breakfast
I'm one of the Easter cakes with small black seeds inside.
Poppy seed cake
We're small sweet bread rolls that contain currants and have a cross on top. People eat us in the UK around Easter.
Hot cross buns
I'm one of the seasons when the trees turn green and flowers bloom.
I'm a small plant with thin stems and very small leaves, often eaten in salads and sandwiches. I'm very popular at Easter time.
We are two types of spices. People put us in Easter baskets. We are opposite colours.
Salt and pepper
We are small and sweet. We are soft in the middle and covered with hard sugar on the outside. We come in many different colours and flavours.
Jelly beans
We are brown, oval and sweet. Children love eating us at Easter time.
Chocolate eggs
We are soft light buds on tree branches. People decorate Easter baskets or Easter palms with us.
We are brightly coloured spring flowers on tall stems and are shaped like cups. We can be yellow, red or pink.
We are tall yellow spring flowers that are like trumpets in shape.
I'm a white animal. I symbolize Jesus and his sacrifice.
Easter lamb
I'm a little yellow animal. I hatch from a hen's egg.
Easter chick
I'm a special container used in Easter celebrations. People put Easter food in me and then take me to food blessing on Holy Saturday.
Easter basket
We're hard-boiled. People decorate us before Easter.
Easter eggs
I'm one of the symbols of Easter. I bring Easter eggs.
Easter bunny