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Short Story Terms

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The main point that the author wants you to know/take with you is the ...
The topic of a story is the ....
where and when a story takes place
The narrator sees into the minds of more than one character when telling the story--uses "he," "they," "she"
3rd Person Omniscient
The narrator tells only what one character thinks, feels, and observes and uses "he," "they," or "she."
3rd Person Limited Point of View
The narrator is a character in the story and uses "I" or "me" when telling the story.
1st Person Point of View
the character who opposes the main character
the antagonist
The main character of the story
What does "STEAL" stand for?
What a character Says, Thoughts, Effects, Actions, Looks
when the writer implies what a character is like
indirect characterization
when the writer tell you what a character is like
Direct Characterization
The reader knows a lot about a character.
The reader knows very little about the character
a character that changes
a character that stays the same
In The Lightening Thief, Percy Jackson has to fight the demi-god Luke, the son of the messenger god Hermes. This is an example of man vs. _____?
The movie Alive tells the true story of a Uruguayan rugby team whose aircraft crashes in the Andes and who are forced to do anything they can to survive. This is man vs. _____?
The Jews' persecution during the Holocaust is man vs. ______?
Shrek fighting Lord Farquad is man vs. ________?
What are the four types of external conflict?
man vs. man, nature, supernatural, society
This is a type of internal conflict
man vs. self
the end of a story, how everything gets solved
the unraveling of a story, follows the turning point
falling action
the turning point of a story
the complications of a story that follow the inciting moment
Rising Action
The beginning of a story, introduces the setting and characters