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C3 flowering plants revision

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Which force does a butterfly use to fly? 蝴蝶是用什么力来飞翔的?
What forces were used to move the pyramid stone blocks. 使用什么力量来移动金字塔石块?
Push and pull.
Approximately how many years did it take to build the pyramids? 建造金字塔大约需要多少年?
30 years
How did people build the pyramids without modern machinery?在没有现代机械的情况下,人们是如何建造金字塔的?
A spiral ramp.
Why are greenhouses and polytunnels helpful for farmers/growers? 为什么温室和塑料大棚对农民/种植者有帮助?
Can grow in the colder months.
What are Greenhouses and polytunnels used for? 温室和塑料隧道的用途是什么?
Growing flowers, fruits, and vegetables.
What is a tree stem called?树干叫什么?
A trunk.
How can we make a pot bound plant better? 我们怎样才能让盆栽植物变得更好呢?
Put it in a bigger pot with more soil.
What does pot bound mean? 锅绑定是什么意思?
The roots are too big for the pot.
What does wilted mean?枯萎的意思是什么?
Drooping. Gone soft.
How can you tell if a plant is unhealthy?如何判断植物是否不健康?
Dead/brown leaves. Wilting. Pot bound.
Water travels from the stem to the roots. True or false? 水从茎流向根。 对或错?
Some plants have root hairs. True or false?有些植物有根毛。 对或错?
Is the best way to water a plant on the roots or leaves?给植物浇水的最佳方法是浇在根部还是叶子上?
The roots.
Some roots have small ______? 有些根有小______?
Name 3 things needed for photosynthesis.说出光合作用所需的 3 种物质。
Sunlight. Carbon Dioxide. Water.
What are very young plants called? 非常年轻的植物叫什么?
In an investigation, what are observations?在调查中,什么是观察?
What you see.
In an investigation, how can we make a fair test?在调查中,如何才能做到公平检验?
Only change one thing. Keep everything else the same.
In an investigation, what is a conclusion? 在调查中,结论是什么?
A summary of what your investigation learned.
In an investigation, what is a prediction?在调查中,什么是预测?
What you think will happen.
Name 2 things plants need to grow.说出植物生长所需的两件事。
Water, Light
Name 2 functions of the roots.说出根的 2 个函数。
Take water from the soil. Hold the plant in place.
What is the scientific word for the process of leaves making food from sunlight? 叶子利用阳光制造食物的过程的科学术语是什么?
What is the function of the leaves?叶子的作用是什么?
To make food for the plant.
Name 2 functions of the stem.说出茎的 2 个功能。
To support the plant. Take water and food around the plant.
What does the flower attract insects with?花用什么吸引昆虫?
Colour, Smell, Pollen, Nectar.
Name 2 functions of a flower? 说出花的 2 个功能。
Attracting bees, producing seeds.
Name the four parts of a plant.说出植物的四个部分。
Roots, Stem, Leaves, Flowers