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Which flower is often used to decorate churches and homes during Easter?
A) Tulip
B) Rose
C) Hyacinth
What is the significance of the Easter parade in some cultures?
A) Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus
B) Showcases spring fashion
C) Honors military veterans
What is the name of the week following Easter Sunday in the Christian calendar?
A) Holy Week
B) Easter Week
C) Pentecost Week
Which animal is often associated with Easter due to its symbolism of new life?
A) Rabbit
B) Horse
C) Owl
What is the name of the traditional Easter bread eaten in many European countries?
A) Brioche
B) Panettone
C) Challah
What is the name of the cloth used to cover the cross during Holy Week?
A) Lenten cloth
B) Easter cloth
C) Palm cloth
Which famous painting depicts the Last Supper
a key event in the Easter story?
A) Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
B) The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo
C) The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
What is the name of the week leading up to Easter Sunday in the Christian calendar?
A) Holy Week
B) Christmas Week
C) Passover Week
What is the period of fasting and penance that precedes Easter Sunday called?
A) Lent
B) Advent
C) Pentecost
What is the significance of the Easter lily in Christian symbolism?
A) Represents purity and new life
B) Symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus
C) Used as a decorative flower only
Who proclaimed Easter as a Christian celebration?
A) Pope Francis
B) Emperor Constantine
C) Apostle Paul
In many cultures
what is a common Easter activity for children?
A) Egg rolling
B) Pumpkin carving
C) Christmas caroling
Which symbol is often associated with Good Friday
a day observed during Holy Week?
A) A lamb
B) A cross
C) A dove
What is the significance of the Easter candle in Christian rituals?
A) Represents the light of Christ
B) Symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus
C) Used for decoration purposes only
What traditional food is commonly eaten on Easter Sunday?
A) Hot cross buns
B) Pumpkin pie
C) Sushi
What color is commonly associated with Easter decorations and clothing?
A) Blue
B) Red
C) Pastel colors like pink and green
What is the significance of the Easter Vigil service in Christianity?
A) It marks the beginning of Lent
B) It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus
C) It commemorates the Last Supper
Which religious holiday is often connected with Easter due to their proximity in the calendar?
A) Passover
B) Diwali
C) Eid al-Fitr
In Christian tradition
what does the Easter season commemorate?
A) The birth of Jesus
B) The crucifixion of Jesus
C) The resurrection of Jesus
What does the word "Easter" derive from?
A) The Latin word "est"
B) The Old English word "Ä“astre"
C) The Greek word "Pascha"
Which country is credited with the tradition of decorating Easter eggs?
A) Germany
B) France
C) Italy
What is the significance of the Easter bunny in Easter traditions?
A) Represents fertility and new life
B) Symbolizes the arrival of spring
C) Has no specific historical significance
What historical event is Easter primarily associated with?
A) The birth of Jesus Christ
B) The resurrection of Jesus Christ
C) The Last Supper
When is Easter Sunday celebrated?
A) On the first Sunday of April
B) On the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox
C) On a fixed date every year