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4th Grade Math Expressions Unit 1 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ms. Johnson received 5,000 pieces of candy after trick-or-treating. She ate 1,059 pieces that night. Then the next day, she at an additional 1,790 pieces. How many pieces of candy does she have left?
2,151 pieces
A mining truck is loaded with 147,284 kilograms of dirt. Another 129,405 is added. What is the total mass of dirt in the mining truck?
276,689 kilograms
Which number is greater? 623,039 or 623,309
Silly bonus: Candy corn was originally called Chicken Feed. True or False
Silly bonus: According to a survey, at least 80% of parents eat some of their children's Halloween candy (with or without their permission). True or False?
Silly bonus: What do birds say on Halloween?
Trick or tweet?
What is the expanded form of 62,927
What is the standard form of four hundred eight thousand, sixty-two
What is the word form of 47,565?
forty seven thousand, five hundred sixty-five
Last week there were two soccer games. There were 3990 people at the first soccer game. There were 1845 fewer people at the second soccer game than at the first soccer game. How many people attended BOTH the soccer games last week?
6,135 people
What is 680,984 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand?
What is 680,984 rounded to the nearest ten thousand?
What is 680,984 rounded to the nearest thousand?
What is 680,984 rounded to the nearest hundred?
What is 680,984 rounded to the nearest ten?