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Past simple irregular verbs 4th grade

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Last year, I ______ (sing) in a concert at the school
Last year I SANG in a concert at the school
Where did I ______ (put) my new shoes? I can’t find them
When did I PUT my new shoes? I can’t find them
Once, I ______ (tell) a ghost story at my friends party and everyone got very scared
Once, I TOLD a ghost story at my friends party and everyone got very scared
The swimming team _____ (win) their race last week.
The swimming team WON their race last week
This morning I ________ (wake) up very late because I was playing Fortnite all night
This morning I WOKE up very late because I was playing Fortnite all night
I _________ (understand) all of the questions in Kat’s game because I’m so good at English
I UNDERSTOOD all of the questions in Kat’s game because I’m so good at English
Yesterday, I ______ (sleep) at my best friends house. We _______ (sleep) very late.
Yesterday, I SLEPT at my best friends house. We SLEPT very late.
When I was small, I ________ (send) my Christmas list to Papa Noel
When I was small, I SENT my Christmas list to papá Noel
The Vallmont football team are amazing. We have never ______ (lose) a match
The Vallmont football team are amazing. We have never LOST a match
In science, we ______ (grow) some onions, lettuce and other vegetables
In science, we GREW some onions, lettuce and other vegetables
When I went on holiday last year, I ______ (fly) in an aeroplane
When I went on holiday last year, I FLEW in an aeroplane
I _______ (find) my dog playing in the grass.
I FOUND my dog playing in the grass
My family and I ______ (drive) to the mountains on holiday
My family and I DROVE to the mountains on holiday
Ouch!!!! I ______ (cut) my finger on some glass.
Ouch¡!!! I CUT my finger on some glass.
I _______ (bring) my favourite toy to my friends house and we played with them all day.
I BROUGHT my favourite toy to my friends house and we played with them all day
My teacher _______(teach) me how to say lots of English vocabulary
My teacher TAUGHT me how to say lots of English Vocabulary
Last week, me and my friend _____ (swim) in the swimming pool because it was so hot.
Last week, me and my friend SWAM in the swimming pool because it was so hot.
I _______ (leave) my school bag at home.
I LEFT my school bag at home.
I ______ (do) a painting of some flowers.
I DID a painting of some flowers
My mother _______ (come) with me to the supermarket.
My mother CAME with me to the supermarket.
Oh no!!! My football ______ (break) the window
Oh no!!!! My football BROKE the window.
He ______ (be) very happy with his exam result.
He WAS very happy with his exam result.
We _______(think) Kat’s English lesson was very fun!!!
We THOUGHT Kat’s English lesson was very fun.
My mother _______ (say) I have to go to bed at 9 o’ clock
My mother SAID I have to go to bed at 9 o’ clock
My teacher is very angry because I ________ (forget) to do my English homework.
My teacher is very angry because I FORGOT to do my English homework
I feel sick. I ______ (eat) too much McDonald’s yesterday
I feel sick. I ATE too much McDonald’s yesterday.
She ________ (take) lots of photos on holiday.
She TOOK lots of photos on holiday.
He _______ (buy) a new game for his PlayStation 4 and played it all day.
He BOUGHT a new game for his PlayStation 4 and played it all day.
My mother ________ (see) the new season of La Casa De Papel on Netflix.
My mother SAW the new season of La Casa De Papel on Netflix.
My friend __________ (drink) a lot of Cola Cao with her breakfast.
My friend DRANK a lot of Cola Cao with her breakfast