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Autistic celebrities you should know (and other  ...

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What ways of communicating are accepted and valid?
ANY: using Augmentative and Alternative Communication, using speaking, sign language, gesture, typing, etc.
What is a common statement after some is diagnosed with autism in adulthood? (get ONE right)
This diagnosis is the best thing that ever happened to me / this changed my life for the better / now I understand myself and can be fully myself.
Young Canadian autistic woman who is TikTok famous
Paige Layle
Name one of four openly autistic NBA (basketball) players
Tony Snell, Gary Neal, Royce White or Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
American professional surfer known for his unique "double-jointed" style of turns and spins, from Maui, Hawaii
Clay Marzo
British model and TV personality
Christine McGuinness
Famous mathematician and scientist (suspected to be autistic)
Albert Einstein
Japanese video game designer and director who is the creator of the Pokémon franchise.
Satoshi Tajiri
American professional stock car racing driver who competes part-time in the ARCA Menards Series, driving the No. 13 Toyota Camry for MBM Motorsports.
Armani Williams
Rubik’s Cube speed-solver with numerous Guinness World Records titles including the fastest time to solve cube sizes from 4x4x4 through to 7x7x7 and the fastest average time to solve a Rubik’s Cube one-handed.
Max Park
What does neurodiversity mean?
Neuro= brain. Diversity= differences, ie. natural variation of brains in the world, part of normal biological variation
Best known as owner of Tesla and X (formerly Twitter)
Elon Musk
3rd oldest daughter of Bruce Willis
Tallulah Willis
American actor whose breakout role was on Prison Break
Wentworth Miller
Australian comedian who was late-identified as autistic
Hannah Gadsby
Name at least three amazing traits of autistic people
Often creative, better focus, topic experts, loyal & honest, detail-oriented, more understanding, & more interested in social issues.
Argentine professional soccer player who is suspected to be autistic (not confirmed)
Lionel Messi
Environmental activist from Sweden
Greta Thunberg
Australian actress who played Quinn on Heartbreak High (reboot)
Chloe Hayden (girl with hair in buns)
Actor who starred on Seinfeld
Jerry Seinfeld (self-diagnosed)