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6 XĐ - Chữa HW Vocab U10

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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2.10. Robots will help us do the housework such as ________ the floors, ________ meals and so on.
C. cleaning – cooking
A. cleaning – to cook
D. clean - cook
B. to clean – to cook
2.9. We will have a robot in the garden ________ the flowers and ________ the dogs and cats.
B. water – feed
A. cut – take
C. feed – take
D. water – to wash
2.8. Our future house will use ________ energy, and they are very friendly to the environment.
C. solar
A. sun
B. sunny
D. lunar
2.7. “Do you think that our houses will be ________ space?”
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. to
2.6. I might have a smart phone ________ the Internet.
C. to surf
A. to do
D. to wash
B. to take
2.5. We might have robots ________ our meals.
A. cook
B. look
C. water
D. take
2.4. A hi-tech robot will help us ________ children while we are away.
C. look after
A. look out
B. look at
D. look in
2.3. We might have a ________ TV to watch TV programmes from space.
A. wireless
D. local
C. automatic
B. remote
2.2. The house will have a super smart screen to ________ the e-mails.
B. send and receive
A. send and post
D. receive and get
C. get and take
2.1. The robot will ________ of the flowers in the garden.
A. take care
C. be careful
B. take note
D. carry
1.5. Do you think a ........... will choose suitable food for our meals?
modern fridge
1.4. We will watch TV programmes from other countries by using ..........
wireless TV
1.3. .......... will understand what we say and will do all things around the house.
Hi-tech robots
1.2. A .......... will wash dirty clothes and make them ready for you to put on.
smart washing machine
1.1. We will use a .......... to wash all the dishes and containers after a meal.