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7 XĐ - Chữa HW Vocab U10

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On the whole, we should not think that natural resouces are always (20) ........... and we have to speed up the research and development of new sources of energy.
Many other (19) ............ friendly products will be used in the near future, too.
At this time in the next decade, we will be driving cars run by (18) ........... power, which comes directly from the sun.
They will become the main sources of power when (16) ............ energy (17) .............
non-renewable - runs out
In some parts of the world nowadays, (15) .......... sources of energy are researched.
We don’t have suitable methods to (13) ......... this type of energy and it might cause (14) .......... effect to the environment, too.
conserve - harmful
Our current (12) ............ of fossil fuel will lead to an energy crisis this century.
In the future, people will be forced to find (11) ............ energy sources.
10: Many countries are trying to reduce the ____________ of greenhouse gases.
A. emission
B. conservation
D. conserve
C. emit
9: A group of people conducted a research about global warming is called ____________.
D. environmentalists
A. environment
B. environmental
C. environmentally
8: Some modern farming methods may have a(n) ____________ impact on the environment.
C. negative
A. available
D. renewable
B. abundant
7: Turn off electrical devices when you are not using is a simple way to ____________ energy.
A. conserve
D. emit
B. run out of
C. consume
6: I decided to cut down on the ____________ of sugar in order to lose weight.
B. consumption
A. consumer
C. consume
D. consuming
5: If we don’t use fossil fuel efficiently, we will ____________ it soon.
B. run out of
A. consume
D. conserve
C. emit
4: The sun and the wind are other ____________ sources of energy.
D. alternative
A. negative
C. plentiful
B. environmental
3: Hydro power is ____________ because dams cannot be built in certain areas.
B. limited
A. available
D. enormous
C. unlimited
2: ____________ energy is derived from the sun’s rays and it could be converted to electrictiy.
C. solar
A. nuclear
B. harmful
D. sunny
1: If you carbon ____________ is small, you are environmentally friendly.
B. footprint
A. hydro
C. energy
D. environment