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Directions With "Before"

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Draw a circle in the air BEFORE you shout Woohooooo!!
Keep Going!
BEFORE you name an insect, pretend to fly like an airplane
You are doing good!
Before you make a silly face, name your favorite sport
Keep It Up!
BEFORE you act like a monkey, hold up 8 fingers
So funny!
Hop Like a rabbit BEFORE you name something you see in the sky at night
Pretend to be a sheep BEFORE you say your first name
You are doing great!
Name your favorite superhero BEFORE you clap your hands three times
Count to ten BEFORE you pretend to blow out the candles on a cake
Make a Wish!
BEFORE you name three colors in the rainbow, use your hands to reach up high
You got this!
BEFORE you name something you wear, make a scary face!
Act like a cat BEFORE you write your name in the air
Name your favorite snack BEFORE you touch your nose
You are silly!
BEFORE you hold up a pencil, tell me the number that comes after 5
You got this!
BEFORE you name something that is yellow, stand on one foot
Looking Good!
Name a farm animal BEFORE you clap your hands 2 times
Keep Going!
Do one jumping jack BEFORE you stick out your tongue!
Pretend to ride a horse BEFORE you shout Yahoo!
Name something that is scary BEFORE you run in place
BEFORE you blink your eyes, pretend to sneeze!
God Bless You!
Name an animal in the jungle BEFORE you shout Hooray!
Get Wild!
Show me your best smile BEFORE you tap your head three times
Tap Tap Tap
Name an animal that swims in the water BEFORE you say your first name
Making a splash!
BEFORE you spin around one time, hold up 3 fingers
Don't get dizzy!!
Name the color of a fire truck BEFORE you jump in the air
Reach the clouds!
BEFORE you count to three, say your last name
Counting is easy!