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Explorers Study Guide

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The first European to reach the Gulf of St. Lawrence was ____.
Jacquez Cartier
The first European to see the Mississippi River was ___.
Hernando De Soto
The first European to cross Americas to the Pacific Ocean was___.
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
This explorer explored Canada and perhaps New England. He claimed Canada.
John Cabot
Who was the first European to reach Hudson Bay?
Henry Hudson
Who was the first explorer to discover the Americas?
Christopher Columbus
What does the word “conquistador” mean?
One that conquers
The process of finding your way to a place is called____.
Why did so many explorers get lost or thought they had found Asia when they had not?
Explorers did not have maps of many areas they explored.
England, France, and Spain interacted with each other regarding the exploration of North America competing for _____.
Land and natural resources