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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What _______ (happen) when I _______ (press/push) this button?
happens, press/push
If I _______ (be) you, I _______ (not smoke).
were, wouldn't smoke
If I ______ (have) a sister, I _______ (go) to the concerts with her.
had, would go
If it _______ (not rain), we _______ (go) for a walk.
doesn't rain, will go
_______ (you/help) me if I _______ (ask) you?
will you help, ask
What ______ (you/do) if you ______ (meet) a famous person?
would you do, met
If you _______ (mix) water and electricity, you _______(get) a shock.
mix, get
If we ________(win) the lottery, we ________(travel) the world.
(won, would travel)
The river ________(freeze) if it _________(be) very cold (0)
freezes, is
I __________(marry) someone famous if I _______(be) a movie star. (2)
would marry, were/was
Unless you ________(help) me, I _______(not pass) the test. (1)
help, won't
If I _________(not/go) to bed early, I _________(be) tired tomorrow.(1)
don't go, will be
If I________(be) you, I __________(get) a new job. (2)
were, would get
If I _________(have) enough money, I________(buy) a big house but I am too poor. (2)
had, would buy
Everybody _______(be) grumpy if it _________(rain) a lot (0)
is, rains
If people_________(eat) too many sweets, they _______(get) fat. (1)
eat, get
If he_____(come) , I_________(be) surprised. (1)
comes, will be
If you __________ (heat) ice, it ___________(melt). (0)
heat, melts
If you_______(not/want) to go out, I _________(cook) dinner at home.(1)
don't want, will cook
She _________(pass) the exam if she _________(study) more (2)
would pass, studied
Unless she ____________(come) to our party, I _________( talk ) to her.
comes, I won't talk
If children_______(play) outside and move a lot, they _________(not/get) overweight.
play, don't get
They _________(have) more money if they _____(not/buy) so many clothes.
would have, didn't buy
If the weather _________(not/improve) , we _______(not/have) a picnic.(1)
doesn't improve, won't have
When you _____________(heat) water to 100 degrees, it _________( boil) .
heat, boils
If you______(get) back late, I ______(be) angry. (1)
get, will be