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Phrasal verbs and cultural knowledge

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The British flag is popularly known as _______.
Union Jack
Jack Union
Jack United
Union Jacky
What was the first Pixar movie released?
Toy Story
Finding Nemo
A Bug's Life
What is the rarest blood type in humans?
AB Positive
0 Negative
A Positive
O Positive
The Statue Of Liberty was a gift from _____.
In what year was the United States Declaration of Independence signed?
The concert didn't _________ my expectations. I expected something much better.
live up to
get away with
take down
hand in
The French teacher said that we had to ______ the essay _______ the following day.
hand in
get down
sum up
get over
My sister broke up with her boyfriend a year ago and she ______ it really quickly. She is quite happy now.
got over
took off
lived up to
closed down
We can _____ the situation _____ in one word: chaos.
sum up
hand in
take down
sit down
_____ the glass with squeezed orange juice and put it in the fridge.
Fill up
Fill in
Cut up
Find out
In difficult times, you can always _______ him. He's always there for you.
depend on
get along with
deal with
end up
The thieves ________ and stole all the equipment.
broke in
called for
broke up
checked out
I'll ______ you after work. I have booked a table at 7.
call for
check out
be over
come on
If you make a mistake, keep calm and _______. Don't panic.
carry on
come on
bring up
call for
I ________ drinking beer last year and I've lost 15 kilos.
gave up
cut it down
went back
fell out
The government should try harder to _______ to people the dangers of smoking cigarettes.
get over
take off
fill in
give up
Why did you _______ my blue jeans? I know they were old, but they were really comfortable.
throw away
carry on
break down
run out of
I'm sorry I'm late. My car _____ on the motorway.
broke down
carried on
ran out of
threw away
The doctor told me to _____ taking the pills.
carry on
throw away
run out of
break down
We've _______ milk. Is black coffee ok?
run out of
broken down
thrown away
carried on