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107-2 U3 What did you do last night? Unit Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Practice makes perfect. 中文?
請將以下句子改成過去式 Jolin dances in the living room every day.
Jolin danced in the living room last night.
do 和 does過去式?
請將以下句子改成過去式 Alan Walker goes to bed early today.
Alan Walker went to bed early yesterday.
請將以下句子改成過去式 The sandwich looks yummy now.
The sandwich looked yummy three minutes ago.
請將以下句子改成過去式 What does he do today?
What did he do yesterday?
請將以下句子改成過去式 She plays basketball every Saturday.
She played basketball last Saturday.
請判斷以下句子的時態,並說出關鍵字 We walked our dog yesterday afternoon.
過去式 walked , yesterday
請判斷以下句子的時態,並說出關鍵字 David plays switch after dinner every day.
現在式 plays , every
She watched TV last night.
What did you do an hour ago?
What did they do last weekend?
yesterday, last, ago
Spell out "上周末"
last weekend
Spell out "打掃房間" (過去式)
cleaned the room
Spell out "澆花" (現在式)
water the plants
Spell out "洗碗" (過去式)
washed the dishes