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Eater Island Quiz
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When we don't know much about a place it's...
When the sun goes down in the evening it's...
When the earth moves violently and it's dangerous it's...
an earthquake
An area of small stones or sand near the sea or ocean is called...
A view or a picture of the ex countryside is...
The big stone constructions who look like people are called...
People who were born and live on the island are called...
It can explode and throw lava out.
What's the landscape like? What's there?
It's amazing. With volcanoes, beaches and brilliant blue water.
What are the people like?
They are very friendly.
How did people move the heads?
No one knows.
What strange things did he find on the island?
He found large stone heads.
Who discovered Easter Island?
Dutch captain