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Fourth Grade Rats (ch 1-3 Review)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who does Suds have a crush on? How does she treat him?
Judy Billings - She ignores him.
Who was Suds's teacher in 3rd grade? How does he feel about her?
Miss Simms and he likes her as a teacher
How did Suds feel about kicking the kids off the swings?
Bad, sad
How did Joey feel about kicking the kids off the swings?
Proud of himself
What does Joey mean when he says Suds needs to take care of "Number 1"?
Suds needs to take care of HIMSELF. He's #1 in his own world, just how Joey is #1 in Joey's world.
Joey made fun of Suds's lunch box because...
it had elephants on it and it's been the same one since he was in 1st grade
According to Joey, why can't Suds cry or be scared of spiders?
He's a "rat" now and rats don't do that.
Why has Joey been waiting all his life to be in the 4th grade?
He wanted to be a "rat" - to act like a bully
Why does Suds still want to be in 3rd grade?
He liked being good and being called an angel.
What grade are the boys in now? According to the rhyme, this makes them ____.
4th Grade - Rats
Who are the 2 main characters in this book?
Suds & Joey