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money vocabulary

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the difference between win and earn?
win refers to competition, while earn refers to money for effort or work
What is the difference between buy and sell?
buy means to exchange your money for an item/service.. Sell means to receive money in exchange for an item/service
How do you write in numbers.. twelve thousand eight hundered and fifty two?
unscramble this sentence. money lend some can me you ?
Can you lend me some money?
'I have left my pen at home! Please can I _________ yours?'
Explain what lend means
To allow someone to use something for a limited amount of time, then return it.
What currency is this sign?
How do you read this? 79p
seventy nine pence/p
How do you read this? £1.25
one pound twenty five
What is the currency in America?
Name 3 countries that use euros
Examples: France, Spain, Portugal, Italy etc.
What are 2 ways you can pay for things at shop? C_____ and C______
Cash and Card
I want a new phone but it is very expensive so i need to ________ money to buy it.
I dont want my old playstation anymore so i am going to ________ it on milanuncios.
What is a shop?
a place where you can buy things
What are these called?
How can you win money? Give 1 example
By entering a competition or doing the lottery for example.
If you pay for a 5 euro tshirt with 20 euros.. you will get 15 euros _________
If you have a job, do you earn money or win money?
You earn money.