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Explain, using insulin as an example, what is meant by negative feedback.
When blood sugar rises,receptors in the body triggers pancreas tosecrete insulin into the blood effectively lowering blood.Once blood sugar levels reach homeost
How do hormones travel the body?
Hormones travel throughout the body, either in the blood stream or in the fluid around cells, looking for target cells.
Heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation. When a person is submerged in cold water, their body temperature can drop very quickly. This process of heat transfer is called ________.
Adipose tissue is a layer of _____________.
The top layer of our skin is made up of dead cells called cornified layer. Some parts of epidermis contain a dark brown pigment, called _______ which absorbs the harmful ultraviolet rays in sunlight.
Not eating carbohydrate for a long time will cause hypoglycemia and the person feels
Very tired, confused and shows irrational behavior. Eventually, the person becomes unconscious.
This is the insoluble form of carbohydrates that is stored in the liver.
How is heat removed from our body?
Through evaporation of sweat
What is found beneath the skin layer that serves as insulation and padding?
adipose tissue/ fats
What are the 2 layers of skin?
epidermis and dermis
Secreted sweat contains ______________, _____________ and small amount of ____________.
water, salts and urea.
___________ are coiled tubes that secrete sweat through a sweat duct.
Sweat glands
____________________ is the relaxation of smooth muscles in the arteriole walls. It increases the diameter of the blood vessels, increasing blood flow.
Explain the difference between vasoconstriction and vasodilation.
Vasoconstriction is the constriction/ contraction of smooth muscles in the arteriole walls. It decreases in size, reducing blood flow.
How does the central nervous system and the thermoreceptors coordinate in coping with heat gain?
When the external temperature rises above normal levels, thermoreceptors within the skin send signals to the hypothalamus in the brain. The hypothalamus is
How does glucagon work?
Glucagon's role in the body is to prevent blood glucose levels dropping too low. To do this, it acts on the liver in several ways: It stimulates the conversion
What is type 1 diabetes?
a disease caused by the death of the cells that secrete insulin, as a result from the body's own immune system attacking and destroying the cells.
The condition of having high glucose concentration in the blood.
these groups of cells are scattered through the pancreas to make two hormones.
islets of Langerhans
The process of stopping the actions taking place and starts off another set of actions.
negative feedback
If your body temperature falls below 37 degree C, nerve impulses from the hypothalamus cause the following things to happen like _______________________ (hairs) and _________________________((arterioles).
hairs erect to trap a layer of warm air which insulate it and arterioles constrict so not much blood flows through them, thus conserving heat
A part of the brain called __________ is at the centre on the control mechanism that keeps internal temperature constant.
What is homeostasis?
The active process of keeping the internal environment constant.