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Would You Rather - Easter

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather see a shooting star or a rocket?
Would you rather see a shark or a dolphin at the beach?
Would you rather eat a chocolate covered worm or a chocolate covered cricket?
Would you rather have a pet bird or a pet worm?
Would you rather give up recess or PE for a week?
Would you rather argue with a leprechaun or your parent?
Would your rather order a pizza with jelly beans or raisins?
Would you rather see a double rainbow or find a four leaf clover?
Would you rather have it rain everyday for spring or be windy?
Would you rather be followed by baby ducks or baby dogs?
Would you rather chew gum forever or eat a lollipop forever?
Would you rather find the golden egg or 1000 eggs?
Would you rather be allergic to grass or allergic to candy?
Would you rather be a caterpillar or a grasshopper?
Would you rather find an egg with $100 & worms in it or an egg with $5 & your favorite candy in it?
Would you rather see the Easter bunny or a leprechaun?
Would you rather swim in a pool of jelly beans or in a pool of marshmallow peeps?
Would you rather eat chocolate with every meal or eat carrots with every meal?
Would you rather have an Easter egg hunt inside with less eggs or outside with more eggs?
Would you rather pet a baby bunny or pet a baby chick?
Would you rather hop like a bunny or waddle like a duck everywhere you go for one week?
Would you rather grow a field of tulips or a field of daisies?
Would you rather search for Easter eggs in the rain or search for them in the snow?
Would you rather have Easter grass for hair or jellybeans for teeth?
Would you rather find an Easter basket full of your favorite candy or an Easter basket full of money?
Would you rather have a cotton tail like a bunny or long ears like a bunny?
Would you rather eat 100 marshmallow peeps or 100 jelly beans?