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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I tried to walk past her, but she wouldn't move to the side to let me pass.
get out of the way
It's not easy managing to live on a student grant, especially in a big city.
getting by
It's difficult to contact George because he never has his phone switched on.
get hold of
You need to change your attitude and work harder or you'll fail all your exams.
get your act together
I've told my mum time after time that I can't afford to move out, but she just doesn't seem to hear what I'm saying.
get the message
If I had the opportunity to go and live abroad, I think I'd probably take it.
got the chance
Martha was dumbed by her ex-boyfriend and now she wants to take revenge on him.
get her own back on him
Not having enough time for myself really depresses me.
gets me down
My parents always let my little sister do whatever she wants - that's why she is so spoilt.
get her own way
I tried to explain the problem to my father, but I just can't make him understand.
can't get through to him
I liked him to begin with, but he's now really starting to annoy me.
to get on my nerves
Come on! We'll be late if you don't hurry up!
if you don't get a move on
I thought we'd made it clear that we'd meet at the restaurant, but somehow she misunderstood and was waiting for us to pick her up.
got the wrong end of the stick
Could you please throw away all the old clothes you don't wear any more?
get rid of
What's the best way to move from one place to another in this city?
get around this city
My husband and I met at school and we've been together ever since.
got together
Can you stop annoying me and just let me continue my work.
get on with my work
Both of my parents are growing older, but they still lead very active lives.
getting on