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Educating Students with Disabilities

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the four categories of accommodations?
Presentation, Response, Timing, Setting
Presentation, Timing, Organization, Setting
Response, Timing, Presentation, Understanding
Which is true about students with disabilities?
They have diverse needs and multiple intelligences
They have diverse needs with limited abilities
They have limited needs with limited intelligence
IEP's include information about services, goals, and accommodations?
SLD- difference or difficulty with particular aspects of learning, such as dyslexia (reading) or dysgraphia (writing)
Which could be true about individuals with emotional disorders?
inability to build or maintain interpersonal relationships
Displayed pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression
Depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders.
What is a disability?
A physical or mental impairment that limits major activities
An severe injury that limits mobility
A minor impairment that creates stress
Which document only focuses on accommodations?
504 plan
Which is not a modification?
Frequent breaks.
Pass/no pass options.
Reworded questions in simpler language
Word bank of choices for answers to test questions
How can you support students with disabilities in grades K-12?
Collaborate with members of the IEP team when needed.
As the teacher of record, handle everything yourself.
Only communicate with the case carrier.
How can you support a student with a disability in any setting?
All of the above.
Use accommodations.
Communicate with the student about their individual needs.
Which is not an example of an accommodation?
Easier reading assignment.
Extra time on an assignment.
Checking for understanding.
Examples of expectations.
What is differentiating?
Responding to variance among learners.
Being in a different learning environment.
Showing favoritism in the classroom.
UDL classrooms are flexible.
What is UDL?
Universal Design for Learning.
Universal Design for Linguistics
Universal Design for Language
What is abelism?
Discrimination against people with disabilities.
One of the 13 disability categories.
Being capable of doing something.