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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The ship sailed smoothly across the shimmering sea, guided by the stars above.
The shy child shyly showed her shell collection to the class during show and tell.
The firefighter showed the students the proper way to use a fire extinguisher.
The fisherman cast his line into the shimmering lake, hoping for a big catch.
Shannon shuffled through the sheets of music, searching for her favorite song.
The shell of the turtle was smooth and shiny, reflecting the colors of the sunset.
The chef sharpened his knives before starting to prepare the evening's meal.
Samantha showed her classmates how to shape clay into beautiful sculptures.
The shiny new bike shimmered in the sunlight, enticing the boy to ride it.
The shepherd shouted to his sheep as they scattered across the field.
The shadow of the tree stretched across the yard as the sun began to set.
Sherry shared her sandwich with the shy squirrel that often visited her backyard.
The shortstop made a spectacular catch, saving the game for his team.
Sarah's shoes shone brightly as she shuffled along the sidewalk.
The shopkeeper was known for selling the freshest fruits and vegetables in town.
The ship sailed smoothly through the shimmering sea under the shining sun.
Shelly showed off her impressive collection of seashells during show-and-tell.
The sheriff searched the area for clues to solve the mystery of the missing statue.
The chef's delicious dishes were a big hit at the school's spring fair.
She shushed the noisy students so the teacher could begin the lesson.