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chapter 15, 16, 17 CCD
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Jesus established the _________ to continue his mission on earth.
What was the Father's plan?
to draw all people to himself
God promised a savior to ___________ and ____________ after they sinned.
Adam and Eve
God called _____________ to be the father of many nations.
______________ _____________ is a supernatural grace that gives us a sharing in God's life.
sanctifying grace
What is washed away through Baptism?
original sin
By receiving the Eucharist, we become like _________
________ _________ can cause us to lose sanctifying grace.
Mortal sin
Grace makes us like _____________
In which sacrament do we confess our sine and receive God's forgiveness?
Venial sin makes us lose grace. T or F
Sanctify means to make holy. T or F
We need _________ to be able to be holy so we can live with God in Heaven.
The Holy Spirit is not equal to the Father and the Son. T or F
Who is the third divine person of the Blessed Trinity?
God the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and Son. T or F
The Holy Spirit is called the __________ which mean he is our helper.
The Holy Spirit prepared the nations for the coming of the _______.
In the Creed, we profess that the _______ _______ "has spoken through the prophets."
Holy Spirit
Is the Holy Spirit God? T or F