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Computer related terms and icons

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is everything you read on the internet true?
No! How can you find out?
Should you close Apps or programs when you're finished with them?
Yes! Having loads of things open at the same time will slow your device and run down the battery faster!
Should I get an Anti-Virus to keep my computer safe?
No, Windows Defender is all you need!
What are "Cookies" on the internet
They are small bits of information that get stored on your computer and can be/are used to track what you do online
What is "The Cloud"?
A way of storing information somewhere else, but that you can access over the internet
What does "Uploading" mean?
Moving information from your computer to somewhere else
What does "Downloading" mean?
Moving information from somewhere else into your computer
Who, on the internet, should you give private information to?
How can you know if a website is safe?
The padlock sign next to the address bar
The website says it is safe
If it was dangerous, you wouldn't be able to go on it
Of course it's not safe, everything on the internet is evil!
What is a "Home Page"?
The main or front page of the website or the website that opens when you open your web browser
What is a Web Address?
The location of a webpage
What is difference between a computer and an app?
They are basically the same thing!
What is a spreadsheet used for?
Organising and analysing numbers. It's really good for things like accounting!
What is a "Web Browser"?
A computer program or app that let's you use the internet
What does "Paste" mean, when using a computer?
Placing something that has been "Copied" or "Cut"
What does "Cut" mean, when using a computer?
Making a copy of something and deleting the orginal
What does "Copy" mean, when using a computer?
Creating an exact copy of something on your computer
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
Search (Spotlight)
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
mail / email
What is it?
Power On/Off