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C1 Reading and Use of English Pt. 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It was wrong of us to say that. (shouldn’t)
We shouldn’t have said that.
I really admire someone like that. (look)
I really look up to someone like that.
I’ve known Marcia since 2014. (met)
I met Marcia is 2014.
John never explained why left. (explanation)
John never gave an explanation for why he left/for leaving.
The guide pointed out the paintings. (attention)
The guide drew our attention to the paintings.
I didn’t mean to interrupt the meeting. (intention)
I had no intention of interrupting the meeting.
I don’t mind. (same)
It’s all the same to me.
You’re entitled to vote. (right)
You have the right to vote.
Please don’t leave your seats. (remain)
Please remain in your seats.
I like coffee better than tea. (prefer)
I prefer coffee to tea.
I don’t feel like going out. (mood)
I’m not in the mood to go out/for going out.
Could you look after the children? (take)
Could you take care of the children?
She couldn’t decide. (make)
She couldn’t make up her mind. / She couldn’t make her mind up.
There’s no point in doing that. (waste)
It’s a waste of time doing that.
The machine doesn’t work. (order)
The machine is out of order.
Please help me. (hand)
Please give me a hand.