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13 Story Treehouse (Ch 1 - 4 questions)

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What was the worst part about working at the monkey house?
Faking to be monkeys
Grooming the monkeys
Cleaning the ****
What is happening to the cat?
Where did Andy and Terry work before they were at the Tree House?
The monkey house
What happened to the cake?
It exploded/explodes
What happened to Mr. Big Nose when he got angry?
His nose got bigger
What does Mr. Big Nose want?
He wanted the book they promised a year ago.
Who was Mr. Big Nose?
Andy and Terry's publisher.
Andy and Terry's teacher.
Andy and Terry's father.
Who did Terry think was calling on the phone?
Silky the cat
What did Jill want to put on Andy and Terry's tree?
A missing cat poster
Did Andy and Terry tell the truth about what happened to Silky?
Why did Andy and Terry want to "lay low" from Jill?
They turned her missing cat into a bird
What happened to Silky?
She's the cat Terry threw off the deck/she turned into a catnary
What is Jill's cat's name?
What animal does Jill NOT have at her house?
Why does Jill go to Andy and Terry's house?
She is looking for her cat
Who is Andy and Terry's neighbor?
What special name do they give the flying cat?
What happened when Terry through the cat off the deck?
The cat grew wings and flew away
Why was Terry painting the cat?
He wanted to turn it into a bird/catnary
What was Terry doing to the cat?
Painting it yellow
What is something the treehouse DOES NOT have?
A computer room
a kitchen
a see-through swimming pool
a bowling alley
What kind of sharks are they?
man-eating sharks
Why is it special?
It's filled with lemonade
What does it do?
shoots marshmallows when people are hungry
What does it do?
vaporizes vegetable
What does it do?
Make things big/giant
Where do Andy and Terry live?
In a treehouse
What do Andy and Terry like to do together?
Make books
Build Treehouses
Play tricks
Run races
What does Terry like to do?
What does Andy like to do?