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Grade 3 Unit 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To throw a heavy object as far as a light object, we need more....
Newton is famous for discovering gravity and developing Three ...
Laws of Motion
Roller Coaster is only pushed in the beginning and stopped at the end. What makes is keep going in the middle are gravity and ...
When TIME is the same, longer distance means ...
Faster speed
When the DISTANCE is same, shorter time means ...
Faster speed
To calculate speed we need to know 2 things. They are:
Distance and time
What tells us if the motion is fast or slow?
What is this effect of force?
Changing shape
What is this effect of force?
Changing direction
What is this effect of force?
Changing speed
What is this effect of force?
Stops motion
What is this effect of force?
Causing (starting) motion
Gravity depends on ...... The bigger the ......, the stronger the gravity.
A force that pulls all objects to the center of the Earth is called...
Who discovered gravity?
Isaac Newton
What kind of surface will have low (very small) friction?
What kind of surface will have high (very strong) friction?
What occurs when 2 surfaces rub against each other?
Please name the TYPE of motion on the picture.
Straight line
Please name the TYPE of motion on the picture.
Please name the TYPE of motion on the picture.
Back and forth
Please name the TYPE of motion on the picture.
Round and round
Please name the TYPE of motion on the picture.
Up and down
Motion is described as a change of ........ of an object.
What is a force?
A push or a pull